How you’ll answer, “So, what do you do?”
“I assemble the best radars in the world with top notch quality. And always on time.”
Ok. Here’s what you’ll really do.
Build and assemble different Robin Radar products at our production facility;
Responsible for a clean and well organised production environment;
Quality inspection and testing of realised products;
Continuously helping improve Robins production work instruction and implementing best known practices.
Alright. Now it’s over to you!
- They expect you have a technical education at MBO level;
- You’ve got experience in assembly lines, preferably in a SME high-tech environment;
- You can work independently without supervision, and you show initiative in everything you do;
- You are structured and reliable, because quality is always top priority for you;
- Last but not least, you have a proactive and can do attitude!
Did reading this make you all warm and fuzzy inside, and were you nodding your head all the way through?
Great! We can’t wait to hear why. So go on, refresh your CV, prepare an original motivation letter, and apply for this job!
But wait. There’s more!
Here’s some stuff you probably didn’t know about us…
- In 2016 RobinRadar was named most innovative SME in South Holland, and number two in the whole of the Netherlands.
- They just launched Max®, the world’s most advanced (and completely 3D) avian radar. Here’s a cool video they made about it.
- Schiphol Airport and KLM are shareholders in their company.
- When you fly out of, or into, Schiphol Airport, these radars are tracking all the birds in the sky to make sure none collide with your plane. You do not want geese to fly into your engines. See here what happens when they do.
- They do the same at Berlin, Frankfurt, and many more airports across the world.
- They have protected the G7 and G20 summits against rogue drones, and have one of the best performing counter-drone radars (ELVIRA®) in the world, even if they do say so. But hey, those that use it say the same too.
- RobinRadar made their biggest deal in history last year with the Royal Netherlands Air Force – €7M – to protect all air bases in the Netherlands.
- They have set-up a new company in China; Sino-Robin, as part of a joint venture. 額外的獎勵點,如果你能弄清楚這是什麼意思
- They have just completed building a new production facility the size of an aircraft hanger. And it has a floor so shiny you can see yourself reflected in it.
- There is a ‘borrel’ in their huge office kitchen, whenever it is possible.
- To offset the lunch burgers they cook for each other on Fridays, they take part in team sporting events like the Royal 10 in The Hague, and the Runway Run in Hungary.
- Robin get’s visited by Sinterklaas every December, and we have inspirational speakers come by for TED talk style presentations.
- Last year they hired eleven new team members and this year they are hiring at least another twenty!
Dan ontvangen wij graag je sollicitatie met je uitgebreide CV! Je kunt je sollicitatie versturen naar t.a.v. Nicole de Jong.